The Longest-Running Sales Newsletter In Existence...and that has
Helped a Generation of Sales Pros Sell Countless Millions!

The Archives of the Past TEN Years...
120 monthly eight-page issues packed with sales-building techniques

When you sign up right now, you will get immediate access to ALL of the monthly eight-page issues, dating back to 2009! All 120 of them to the end of 2018.

You will have thousands of how-to ideas at your fingertips. Since the sales and prospecting ideas are timeless, they are as effective today as the day they were published. Sign up and get access now!



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Every Issue is Packed With What-To-Say Tips to Avoid Resistance, Grab Instant Interest, And Sell More, In Less Time

The Smart Calling Report monthly, eight-page report packed with proven, how-to ideas you can use on your very next call to generate more interest with your voice mails and openings, question more effectively, close more assuredly, answer more objections, eliminate call reluctance, sell on the inbound call, and get more business.

Ideas and tips are how-to, meaty, and to the point. No fluff or clutter means you don't have to wade through the baloney to use the stuff now.


  • Get Art's best tips that he collected each month and shared here first with subscribers and members.
  • Read online, or download and print a hardcopy, and store in your sales library.
  • Regular monthly columns and guest contributions from other top prospecting and sales experts.
  • Instantly-usable, word-for-word voice mails, openers, questions, responses, answers to resistance, and more, that you will help you get more appointments and sales!

Here Are Just a Few of the Articles/Tips from Over 100 Presented So Far in Just the 2018 Issues

  • How to Answer the Number One Sales Objection
  • A Clever Approach to Getting Your Voicemails Heard
  • How to Get More Replies to Your Email Messages
  • How to Win a Sale in Seven Seconds
  • The Simple Solution to Call Reluctance
  • The Email Approach That REALLY Stands Out
  • How to Handle Gatekeeper Objections
  • Do Not Call to "Just Touch Base," and What TO Say Instead

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"Using just one of your techniques, I closed a $10,000 sale I wouldn't have otherwise."

Nancy Aldridge
Bose Corporation

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